Ai is stripping our jobs away from us, and the only thing that makes us human!
As a student, the future isn’t looking very promising. War, climate change, death, and then the robots are stealing your jobs. The last thing I want now, is to have wasted the last 13 years of my life stuck in education, to when I get to go get a job, I’m told: “Nah, we don’t hire humans”. I mean change is change, and it does occasionally happen, and we’ve just got to put up with that, we ain’t rich, and we ain’t politicians, we have no control over anything. But the way change with artificial intelligence is happening: it’s a bad change.
Recently, in media, we have been hearing countless stories of how Ai going to steal our jobs, and we’re going to have lower wages, and lower pay, and programming as a career is already over, you might as well quit now. Then on the other hand, we have other companies saying Ai isn’t stealing your jobs, people who know how to use Ai is stealing your jobs. Pretty much both of these common interpretations are factually wrong, but correct at the same time.
What’s the difference between an AI, and an Algorithm?
This seems such a simple question, but it generally annoys me at the amount of people who get this wrong, mainly because barely anyone now-a-days decides to google, and research before spreading information on the internet, which is probably one of the main causes for this “global crisis” - as I’m sarcastically going to put it.
An AI, or otherwise known as Artificial Intelligence, is supposedly computers been able to preform tasks at human level intelligence (source Wikipedia). Our current AI’s are far from this, only been able to take in a limited input context, and then produce the next likely output. On the other hand, an algorithm is a pre-programmed application, or program, programmed by a developer set out to do a specific task.
A lot of people mix up AI, and algorithms, and often call algorithms AI. Companies also do this in their product promotion: “Our Super Powered AI Powered Software Makes You Super Good At Your Job!”, when it is just simply an algorithm, they do this to land on this new “hype” around Ai, and bank themselves an extra bob.
At the currently time, there’s just too many problems with AI, for it to be a viable replacement of humans. They’re context windows are too small, and not able to hand a good 5 files, yet a lone a whole codebase, or even an entire company.
Too often people misbrand it, and not to be hypocritical, but people milk it too much then spread-out misconceptions, which cause the entire population been wrong about it, and fearing it like it’s the black plague all over again.
Is A Piece Of Rusty-ol’ Metal Really Gonna’ Take My Job
Despite recent rumours, AI is far from taking our jobs. That recent Devin AI, strook fear into hundreds of developers, left senior, and junior developers trembling in the corner of their offic- it can barely make a git commit, okay maybe we’re safe, as The Primagen perfectly put it “Devin is not a one to one developer replacement, but a tool for developers”, or something on those lines (I cannot be bothered to go find the exact quote, okay so shut-up about it ya wimps); I believe that perfectly sums up what Ai is currently at in its life-cycle, it isn’t a one to one replacement, if so we’d probably already be living in a utopian world where we have nothing to do, and can do what we want all day, and get everything for free. By now we’ve probably seen people using Devin to try make something, and horribly struggle to create a simple hello world application. From a many perspectives, this seems like we’re completely safe from Ai taking our jobs, however this is just not the case.
In a ever changing economic world, your dumb tech CEO’s who actually only know how to turn a computer on, and never heard of a command line, are going to want to hire the latest developers who know how to use the latest technologies, and implement it into their products: this a) makes them more bang, b) this makes their companies not look like it was formed in the stone age, and actually looks like it’s something recent, c) it makes them look #cool-with-the-kids (sarcasm). If you weren’t off with the clouds, maybe you’d notice that all the things saying Ai is going to take your job, and there’s nothing you can do is always from large media organisations, companies, and online social-media creators, who purposely title their content in such a way that you need to click on it as your mind becomes to wonder, and think of what would happen if you don’t lie against this new news. Yes, I am throwing myself into the mix, I need to title my blogs, and videos in such a way that people are going to want to watch them, if I don’t then how can I see this as a potential viable career - it’s the same for the companies, they title their larger, more likely to be read blogs in a way which a) they override the actual factual information, b) it stirs up the pot, so people start talking about it, thus leading more people to their site, and them making more money, c) to be #cool-with-the-kids (sarcasm again if you couldn’t tell). A lot of the media saying it’s going to steal our jobs, does have some factual evidence behind it, but then at the end of the day: companies such as Meta, Google, the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Netflix, Yahoo only want to make money, and will say anything to make that money. Companies such as the guardian guide themselves on being 100% factual, and non-bias, however this is just never going to be true for any large business, unless I am in-charge of it. As always in business, there’s going to be a greedy business man who’s never known anything, but money, and do secret backdoor backhanders to make some extra money.
Let’s imagine a world where everything is done by Ai, and Computers, there’s no jobs for us humans to do. It’s not one of those dystopian worlds where Ai tries to kill the human race, just for this say we can control them. Wouldn’t it be nice not having to work? Yeah it does, doesn’t it? Not having to pay tax on anything? Be able to get anything you want? At first this sounds nice, but it really isn’t. All the fun work would also be done by Ai as well, all your books to read, written by Ai, all videos on YouTube, created by Ai, all music, Ai slop. Fun things we enjoy doing: we can’t do anymore, it’s all done by Ai. In a world like this, what would we do everyday? Play games constantly, that’ll get boring quick. Do jigsaw puzzles, not everyone likes that. Draw things, Ai can already do it better than you, no point learning. Write a book, All books are already written by Ai, no one will read your book. What are we left to do then? We already stump ourselves on what the meaning of life is, but having Ai do all our work eliminates the only thing that is human about us: learning.
Humans Need Challenges
We learn from experience. And we get experience from working, and completing challenges. Removing our chance to work, removes our ability to learn, which is why we’re human, not slugs, not dolphins, or eels, human.
For humans to be happy: we need to be content; something to do; and most important, work, or education. At first this seems iridial, but it is not, “bu- but- Jacob, I hate my job!”, “and I hate my school”, yeah you might, but what if didn’t have anything to do? Would you be happy? For maybe the first few months you’d be fine with cleaning your house, playing video games all day, but eventually you’d gain a special feeling: I’m gonna’ call it the “micronist feeling” (I made that up just now), I decided to call it this as this is when we begin to feel insignificant, and useless, we feel small compared to everything - hence the term micro in the name. Simply, we’re not learning, there is nothing to learn, no purpose to learn; what do we get from learning? There’s no reward anymore, and the human body runs off rewards (until around 25 when we start to act more off consequences, but you’re an adult then, it’s harder to learn new things), if there’s no reward from learning then I have no motivation to learn, maybe I could use it to show off to people, but that depends if you’re a show-off, naturally all humans are, but it’s not something I feel satisfaction from that much. Usually, our motivation to learn, is that we can get a better job, make more money, and thus enjoy our lives more by having more money to spend on hobbies, but we don’t have a job! There’s the problem if Ai takes our jobs!
So is Ai really going to take our jobs? Personally, I don’t think yet, eventually some jobs may slowly get phased out, and replaced with Ai, but not right now. They’re currently really focused on taking the fun jobs, not really sure why. They’re probably dumber than a walnut.
Why do people think Ai is going to steal our jobs? It’s because it’s new, people don’t fully understand it yet, and thus they’re scared of it. This statement isn’t entirely true for Ai, it’s because Ai is actually going to steal our jobs, it’s just people are predicting it is going to happen within the next five minutes, when it’s probably going to fully happen well after my life time. Luckily, I have a few career paths still open for me if Ai steals all the developers jobs, I can go into aerospace engineering, or chemical engineering, or if this blog becomes a world wide sensation: then content creation, but I’m a a lazy person, I hate editing videos (because you’re bad at it - oh shut-up left side of my brain)
A report by the BBC in 2023 said Ai “could” replace upwards of 300,000,000 jobs. That may happen if I’m being honest, but not yet. Large media corporations like this purposely put media out like this to stir up the pot, and cause people to act out, as that makes them money. We mainly hear that Ai is stealing our jobs from the big companies, and organisations, but they just do that for attention. In contrast this github article states the opposite is happening, we’re going to ignore that the article is just a large advertisement for copilot, and focus on the fact it said Ai isn’t stealing your jobs, and developers using Ai is stealing your jobs. Do I agree with this? Yes, dumb CEO’s are going to hire whoever is proficient with the new, snazzy, and blazingly-fast technologies, they - themselves - want to jump on the hype train to make themselves an extra ten bob note. And unfortunately, most business owners happen to be dumb, and not actually understand anything.
From my perspective, Ai is never going to stop having a hype train, this is because Ai models come out every 5 minutes, and the hype around them never dies down. Eventually people will stop caring about them, similar to when a new JS framework comes out, people really don’t care about them anymore, unless they offer something completely extraordinary, and never heard of. But Ai is different, because of the limited companies who actually provide LLM’s, they’re more capable of making it look like their LLM is way better each time. This causes people to just go crazy every time a new model comes out, honestly I’m already bored of it.
The Grand Prediction
So will artificial intelligence steal our jobs? Within the next 15 or so years, probably not. Ai will not steal our jobs because it’s just not good enough. Ai cannot comprehend an entire code base, it’s context window is just not big enough to be able to handle tens of thousands of lines of code. This is recently seen with the DevinAi incident, not even able to make a simple git commit. I think if you taught a banana to make a git commit, it could probably do it faster than Devin. Even if an Ai had a large enough context window to handle a whole code base, it still wouldn’t work. It wouldn’t know how to manage an entire company, and then deal with people who are likely going to say no to what the ai say at some part, and disagree with it, the most logical step for the Ai to make: Fire all the employees, but then the company wouldn’t function, it just simply wouldn’t.
This will stay true, unless one day Mr. OpenAi goes out for a walk, and happens to stumble upon a crashed UAP (UFO for you boomers), steal it’s technology, and create a computer with 100% human functionality, then no. Ai currently is no where near stealing our jobs, just yet.
But Ai will steal some of our jobs, it is just going to do that, no doubt about it. Which jobs it will steal is the bad part.
OpenAi, Google, Meta… All Want You To Have Worthless Lives
All Ai at the moment is just overcomplicated text prediction. The only interesting thing that they can do is image creation, but then again we already know a toddler can draw better. People may say it’s cool at what Ai is capable of doing, but really it isn’t, we’re making them do the wrong things. Writing, drawing, music creation, programming: they’re all fun jobs, that we often enjoy doing, or just doing as a hobby. These are the fun jobs, that people want to do; why are we getting rid of the fun jobs? Surely, shouldn’t we be getting rid of the dangerous jobs which have a high chance of death? Such as mining, difficult machinery operation where you have to go into the machines. Ai, at the moment, is going in the wrong direction; it’s not even really that it’s text generation that makes them money, there isn’t really a reason. From my perspective, the fun jobs should be left to the humans, and the dangerous jobs left to the robots, that would be a utopia, however the world doesn’t work like that, so we’re probably be chucked in the mines, and the robots as our leaders.
Ai should be more like a companion, a lot of people see it that way, it should be used against us, but rather to help us do our pre-existing jobs, it shouldn’t take our work off us, but create new jobs for us to do. A lot of the CEO’s (such as Elon Musk) state that people will not like the change of Ai removing their jobs, but we will adapt. This is just bollox, you might compare this to the industrial revolution where people started working in factories, but this is different, the reason people started working in factories is for higher pay, Ai causes us to receive less pay, so people won’t be open to it, unlike the industrial revolution. Then again, to compare it to the industrial revolution, the CEO’s are just calling themselves corrupt, hypocritical, and narcissistic, as during the industrial revolution the class divide was as high as it ever was, and the rich were hypocritical scums who went and slept with prostitutes, and night, and brought STD’s home to their wives, then they failed to pay, or give any compensation to their workers - who were starving, dying, practically already dead at the age of 7; that’s who these CEO’s are comparing themselves to in an essence, their comparing themselves to Scrooge, but instead of hating Christmas they hate what is human about us: challenge, and learning.
To reiterate myself from earlier, for us to be human, we need challenge, and we achieve that in our life from learning, or just doing things. Work teaches us new things, without work, we can’t learn, without learning, we have no challenge, without challenge: we’re not human. If Ai takes our jobs: we’re not doomed, we’re not dead, we’re not trapped: we’re going to be stuck in an endless pit of boredom, and poverty, and we left our ropes to get out of the pit at the entrance to the cave, if we don’t go back to get our gear now, there will be no escape.
If we lose our humanity, what is there going to be: riots, increase in crime, drug abuse, probably the list of everything you don’t want to hear.
Thankyou for reading. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more content like this, I plan to start upload more videos to there in the future again.